Parliamo di Digital Coach Web Design, 29 secondi di lettura

flash eff2

What can be done using FlashEff? Build in, build out objects (images, movie clips, text) in seconds. These animations are especially useful for intros, banners and headers, but they can …

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What can be done using FlashEff?

  1. Build in, build out objects (images, movie clips, text) in seconds. These animations are especially useful for intros, banners and headers, but they can also be easily used in dynamic applications.
  2. Create animated interactive buttons starting from a single visual element. Then, using a single command, add trigger actions to make it work without coding.
  3. Perform commands and trigger actions on any event such as rollOver, press or doubleClick, transitionStart and transitionEnd.
  4. Add static or animated filters to any visual object within Flash CS3/CS4.
  5. Most of the patterns can be combined to create complex animated objects.

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Paolo Franzese
Sono un Digital Coach con piú di 25 anni di esperienza.
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