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Innovative Web Designer/Manager Wanted

I’m currently looking for someone who has the knowledge talent to create an interactive/different website that will promote a new and upcoming cartoon currently in production. The website will be …

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I’m currently looking for someone who has the knowledge talent to create an interactive/different website that will promote a new and upcoming cartoon currently in production. The website will be relied upon to display our content in and interactive way and will provide some other interesting things for our viewers to do. Our production team is relatively small at the moment so now is the time to join!…

More on: Web Design Group

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Paolo Franzese
Sono un Digital Coach con piú di 25 anni di esperienza.
Ti aiuto a crescere sul Web facendo ció che ami.

Hai bisogno di aiuto? Scegli nello shop tra i miei servizi personalizzati.

Ci sono 1 commenti.

  1. Erez Elias
    Commento di Erez Elias il 5 Agosto 2009 alle 19:33

    Hi, My name is Erez Elias and I live in Kingston, Ontario, Canada and I’m a we designer and programmer.
    I’d be happy to cooporate with you.
    Can you please elaborate on what you’re looking for?



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